How to Calm a Border Collie

Hi. My name is Cindy I am a puppy that the Webmaster inherited and have so much energy. But I don’t have a switch to turn me off, LOL

By Louise Lawson.

Border collies are notoriously energetic dogs. A hyperactive, exuberant nature is considered a breed trait, particularly noticed in the first half of a border collie’s life span. But even a border collie can be TOO hyperactive, and such an instance might be a symptom of a more complex issue, such as separation anxiety. Calming a border collie isn’t an impossible task, but it does require a soft hand and plenty of patience.

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Dear Fellow Dog Lover,

My name is Adrienne Farricelli, I’m a professional CPDT-KA certified dog trainer, and for the last 10 years I’ve been helping people to eliminate bad behaviors in dogs and train well behaved, obedient, loving pets…by showing them how to bring out the ‘hidden intelligence’ inside their dog. 

Every dog without exception – has a hidden intelligence inside.

It’s an untapped resource to help you remove just about any troublesome behavior

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Step 1

Book the dog an appointment with your veterinarian to rule out possible health concerns. Many dogs will urinate or defecate when they get excited, and your vet will run tests to make sure the dog is free of issues such as urinary tract infections or parasites.

Step 2

Place the dog on a low-protein, low-fat diet. Border collies are naturally energetic, and high amounts of fats and proteins introduce extra calories that may result in excess energy. Be sure to transition your dog from an existing type to new food gradually to avoid digestive upset.

Step 3

Allow the dog plenty of exercise throughout the day. Border collies typically have strong herding instincts and love to chase things, like cats, so encourage the dog to run and play in a secure, open space. Toss a ball or other favorite toy to encourage the dog to stretch his legs.

Step 4

Set up a safe room in your home for the dog when you leave. Pick a small room, such as a spare bedroom or den, and place the dog’s bed and toys, and his crate if he uses one, inside the room. This safe room allows the dog to explore and play while you’re gone without giving him free run of the house. Close the door securely when you leave to prevent an escape. Border collies are inquisitive dogs and are prone to boredom if understimulated; closing the door will keep the dog and your home safe until you return.

Step 5

Add a few unwashed articles of your clothing to the room. Items such as soft T-shirts and sweaters hold your scent long after you’ve removed them, and your smell will help calm the dog. Border collies are a mouthy breed that may chew when bored, so pick old clothes that you won’t miss if they get destroyed.

Step 6

Consider administering an herbal calming remedy to your dog’s diet in cases of severe hyperactivity or separation anxiety. Border collies and other herding breeds often carry the MRD1 gene, which causes severe and often lethal interactions with tranquilizers typically prescribed for hyperactivity. Herbal calming supplements are made of natural herbs and other ingredients that encourage the release of naturally occurring hormones, helping to calm your dog without the dangers associated with prescription tranquilizers.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute.

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