EXCLUSIVELY REAL INGREDIENTS: All-natural, fully cooked homestyle individual dog food pouches are crafted with premium, fresh ingredients–unlike canned dog food. All ingredients are certified human-grade, and we exclusively use USDA-certified meats packaged in a generous 9-ounce pouch. Real, healthy, wet food for dogs! No need to refrigerate until after opening, and nothing like dehydrated dog food, ever. Each healthy dog food packet is nearly TRIPLE the size of typical dog food toppers.
ALL-NATURAL DOG FOOD: Gluten-free, wheat-free, and grain-free options, this premium dog food is made with the best ingredients making them a great natural choice for sensitive dogs. No ingredients from deceased animals. Every product has 11 or fewer whole ingredients. No animal by-products, preservatives, artificial colors, artificial flavors or supplements are added.
GREAT FOR WELLNESS, PICKY OR SENIOR DOGS: Our wholesome dog food tastes so good, even picky dogs, sensitive dogs, and older dogs can’t refuse! Made for all life stages, from puppy and adult to senior dogs, large breed and small breeds. Use this fresh dog food as a supplemental meal, combine with dry dog food as a mixer, or as dog food toppers to entice picky dogs with a tasty boost of whole nutrition. Can also be used as a healthy dog treat or as small breed dog food.
CONVENIENT LARGE DOG FOOD POUCH: Ready to eat individual servings. No thawing. No adding water. The easy wet dog meal pouch allows you to give your pet real food at home or on the go. Great for travel, hiking, on-the-go lifestyles or simply a delicious human-grade meal at home. Lightweight and easy to store, you don’t need a can opener for this instant meal or treat. Our variety pack of five pouches allows your dog to sample all our flavors, like turkey, pork, salmon, and beef.
THOUGHTFULLY MADE, CLEAN HOMEMADE DOG FOOD: Entirely sourced and made in the USA from quality human-grade ingredients. Portland Pet Food Company donates 5% of their net profits to local non-profit animal shelters and programs, so you can feel good about every part of your healthy dog food purchase.

Package Dimensions

8.31 x 7.36 x 3.58 inches

Item Weight


Country of Origin

Date First Available



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